Tuesday, 16 September 2014

3 Ways To Make PPC Work For You.

Like all things, if planned and executed right, PPC can prove to be one of your more successful campaigns.

However, easy mistakes can be made, and if not corrected now can become bad habits.

1) Choose Wisely 

It is important to not only try and bid for your competitors top spots, but also be creative with your own. The only way to to win the top spot, is to bid more.
However I'm aware not everyone has a budget to do this, which is why it is important to come up with some better keywords.

Before you try and save money on obscure key words to try and cut costs, please remember why you are doing this, and focus on your customers. What would they click? what segment are you targeting? you may want to select long-tail keywords, but not select broad terms.

Another common mistake to avoid, are situations where people will click your ads even though you're not what they have put into their search. This commonly happens when you don't use negative words, and use the default broad match keywords, this will increase the number of clicks as buyers find your website after searching something similar, Once they realise you wasn't what they was originally searching for, they will bounce from your site, and you are still left with the bill.

What are negative keywords? will help you filter out those looking for something specific. For instance, if your site sells fake flowers, your negative word would be "real", because you wouldn't have real roses to sell to someone.
Every click drives up your price, so you need the most relevant possible visitors.

2) Relevance is key

Nothing frustrates your audience than a buyer searching for one thing, and being directed to the complete opposite. If someone is searching for a cashmere jumper, make sure the link directs them straight to the item, and not just the homepage of your website.

If you are not linking to the landing page from your PPC campaign, you're most likely annoying and loosing a lot of potential customers.

Remember the reason your customers are on Google, is for the convenience.

3) Check it real good

There is no point setting up a PPC campaign, and then forgetting about it. This will ensure you get the most out of your keywords, you spend less on the ones that don't work. Also, to analyse how much traffic is being driven to your site. 

You don't need to spend every hour of the day on your AdWords account, but you should take enough time to look through where your traffic is coming from, how you can create more, and if you can afford to increase your bid.

A big part of marketing is the planning, execution and analysis of the campaigns.

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