Wednesday, 26 November 2014

4 Ways You Can Increase Sales This Festive Holiday 2014

I honestly believe that it is easy to adopt to a new email marketing campaign for the holiday season.
However "make it easy" doesn't mean take the minimalist approach to your campaigns. Here in this article on I will be informing you of, 4 simple ways you can increase conversion rates with your Holiday campaigns. Simple & Merry.

If you want your customers to respond to your campaigns make sure you respond to them first, by making it readable on various devices. (Responsive).
(You only have to hear how well the android/smart phone industry are doing in order to realize the importance of responsive emails/websites).

Make a social presence, If a customer likes or shares an article/product automatically enrich that prospects profile. Many vendors can do all this nowadays, and segment them in to a genre/field that will help emails that are sent out be more relevant and increase engagement.

Having just the data doesn't mean you will be automatically relevant, you will have to personalise your messages to your prospects/customers, but you could still risk the worry of being deemed irrelevant.
How to avoid this?

Combining data to interact in a more intelligent way will help increase how relevant you are to each customer. But you it is impossible to sit there and research what all your customers like individually, so why not let us help?

The score can be calculated from many aspects of a customers journey, their purchases, how complete their profiles are, interactions on social media and impressions they have made on emails.
Based on an individuals score we can then initiate 1-2-1 campaigns by being more relevant and appealing, remember no one-two people are the same. You yourself are unique.

Result: Increase in conversions.

Remember to highlight what makes you stand out, many people will be comparing their online shopping to many of your competitors, so ensure you stand out from the rest and apply the abandoned shopping cart & Lead Generation campaigns at least! T'is the season to be successful!
If all of the above has not be implemented then this could be a snippet of your customers this Christmas.

If you enjoyed this article, please share, or add me on LinkedIn or Twitter! 

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