Between technology and techniques, are always changing, especially how buyers behave and have evolved over the years.
Staying ahead of trends, technologies and your competitors can feel very daunting.
This article, offers 4 strategies to help you get ahead of the rest- if not, lap the field.
1) Introduce themes.
Draw out a strategy each month, with an informative skill set. For instance, Octobers theme can be- Lead scoring, Novembers theme can be- abandoned shopping carts, and an obvious December- Festive campaigns for the holiday seasons.2) Knowledge is Power
There are some great conferences, round tables and trade shows happening all around the UK. See which conferences are of relevance to your industry, or, even better depending on the budget, budget yourself to speak as a professional speaker.However, if it isn't in your budget as an agency to attend as a speaker, consider finding local events that wouldn't include travel costs for example.
Perhaps nominate yourself as a speaker at an event you'd like such as @McrDig business and trade shows are on a continuous look out for new and insightful speakers. This gives you and your brand great exposure, as well as the ability to network.
3) Make your presence known
Elaborating from the previous strategy, it helps to have a few topic of ideas to present. Depending on the event, the most popular types of presentations I've seen are the case study types. My key tip for you, is to make sure you plan ahead- if you leave it a few weeks prior it will prove difficult to even book a speakers slot.Work with your communications team on getting a speakers slot on next years conferences, usually, more luck is had if the conference organizer is contacted four to six month in advance.
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