Thursday, 10 October 2013

I personally have come across many SME's that have the potential to become much bigger but seem to be put off by big data, so how do we conquer that?
Luckily two thirds of marketers plan to increase spending on data-related marketing activities this year.

So what is it the two thirds of marketers see that the other one do not?
 "We only fear things in proportion to our ignorance of them"-Christian Nestell Bovee.
If this is making you feel more anxious don't worry, keep reading and i will explain.

Definition: Big Data.

"Sometimes the contraints that we live with, and presume are the same for everything, are really only functions of the scale in which we operate".
-Viktor Mayer- Schonberger, Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work and Think.

I feel Viktor Mayer describes Big Data perfectly, Big data is left behind by potential customers online and is the information needed in order to truly understand and individually connect to your target audience on a 1-2-1 marketing level. With that, then comes the personalisation.

Common excuses:

A) "The data will affect the personal touch of my business" -Not true, unless you tell your customers they will not know. With the content blocks and WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) codes, it is like handling each and every email single handed. It has the clever result of eventually allowing you to predict/anticipate your customers wants and needs before they do!

B) "We are not big enough to handle this data/ not enough time".
With Copernica it allows you to concentrate on the big things, for example what campaigns to run, who is your target audience, the creativeness of the marketing and focus on new leads. 

C) "It looks complicated"- Not everything is needed to be done by a programmer anymore. With the right CRM/Email Marketing Solution not only will you save time but money, as now there are simple tools and systems created to target YOU! 

Check out Copernica for a free month trial , or contact me
Feel free to follow me on Twitter @SarahLouiseTalb

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