What better time to promote employee engagement, than the jolly holiday season!
What some organisations don't know is just how valuable the week's that follow up to Christmas really is.
To ask the right questions, means the new year can be tackled head on, and have a positive impact for the future.
To ask the right questions, means the new year can be tackled head on, and have a positive impact for the future.
Re-engage: Being social with employee's from departments of the company you wouldn't normally speak to, is a great way to engage with colleagues. There's nothing more de-valuing than feeling invisible at a Christmas party.
Poor communication is one of the top key factors in employee dissatisfaction; Plus, it's always good to speak to the higher management.
Poor communication is one of the top key factors in employee dissatisfaction; Plus, it's always good to speak to the higher management.
Take Note: We all like to feel like we are being heard in our company, many organisations ask for employee feedback after a festive party, to see areas where they can better, and what they can do to change in the New Year. If your organisation currently does this, it would be great to hear what you do.
Finally, Celebrate! it's everyone's way of congratulating each other on getting through the year together, and successfully. A team that can celebrate together, stay's together.
Have a great Christmas, and an even happier New Year from us all at Rapport Agency!